Gold Package VIP

Presenting The Ultimate Life Changing Wellness Experience With Future Life Progression Guide Dr. Olubunmi Aboaba

The Golden Ticket VIP day is here to reboot, recalibrate, reset and rediscover your Future Self and has been created for you if you can relate to any of the following:

  • Perhaps you are just starting out on a sober/recovery journey but are unsure of what else life has in store for you?

  • You are already in  recovery from burnout or addictions  and even though health and life are improving, something  feels  missing from your life.

  • Maybe you are already successful in what you do, but you don’t feel fulfilled and can not quite put your finger on what’s still missing and keeping you restless.

  • Perhaps what you are doing now is not truly aligned with who you really are and feel there’s more to life but you are keen for extra guidance to help get you there?

  • If you’ve been through divorce and need clarity on next steps to a brighter future.

  • Or, you have already established a path of recovery from addictions/ eating disorders / burnout or even the grief after divorce or loss, you know your recovery is underway but there still feels like something is missing?

Trust me, you were made for more.

And I have designed a day just for you.

Let’s take a look at what you can expect from your Golden day.

*(I currently work in luxury retreat spaces in Yorkshire, London, California, Portugal and Dubai. However I am open to travel options and will consider locations to your requirements upon our consultation call).

The Golden Buddha

In 1957 an entire Monastery in Thailand was being relocated by a group of monks. One day they were moving a giant clay Buddha when one of the monks noticed a large crack in the clay. On closer investigation he saw there was a golden light emanating from the crack. The monk used a hammer and a chisel to chip away at the clay exterior until he revealed that the statue was in fact, made of solid gold.

What Makes This Golden Ticket So Special?

You may be wondering what the Golden Buddha has to do with burnout, or recovery or even you?

But the answer is everything. It is a fantastic story and analogy of what we are going to be doing on the Golden Package VIP day (much like the monk, chipping away) as we expose your true inner Gold.

We will delve into the Past with a Past Life Regression, explore your Present Moment and venture to Future Life Scenario’s to “Try On”your new Golden experiences and see which one you wish to bring back.

My name is Dr. Olubunmi Aboaba and 15 years ago my recovery journey was under way, I was most grateful and relieved to be on the right track , but at the same time I felt bereft that my life felt empty still. I longed for something more and as my passions and knowledge grew within my own personal development I journeyed from one set of amazing tools to another, to another.

I came alive learning all about crystals and the science behind each. The famous Amethyst led the way as It is hailed as the Sobriety Stone. Then came reiki and I thrived in taking part of my own healing as I developed and became a Reiki Master. Shamanism soon followed, along with NLP, and Hypnotherapy…

The list grew and now I have brought all of these incredible tools together with the dynamic and life changing Future Life Progression to serve others who have found themselves captured by life’s pressures. Those of you feeling that if you could just seal one more deal, or deliver one more presentation it would be enough to liberate you and set you free… only to find yourself eating, drinking or abusing your feelings to the point of annihilation of all else with your own self care in tatters.

I know what that felt like, I can remember it as though it was yesterday.

But …..

I looked into all of that and have carefully curated the very thing I longed for back then.

No more sterile hospital rooms or places that made me feel as uncomfortable as the board rooms and surgeries I was running away from to do the healing work…

No ….

Instead we are going to a luxury retreat… for real nourishment and nurture, for discovery and exploration of your Mind, Body & Soul.

  • Past Life Regression

    After some grounding morning tea and a guided meditation we will set out on your VIP day.

    To tap in to your past lives we will begin to tune in with a full crystal body grid.

    The crystals we work with will be completely independent to the individual and each will connect with:

    • Emotional Release

    • Emotional Balance

    • Harmonising the heart chakra

    • Healing the inner child.

    Once the grid is all set in place we will go into the past life regression.

  • Empowering The Present

    After stopping for a light lunch (any of the luxury retreat spaces serve high quality food with vegan options) we will settle back into exploring your present reality.

    With guided meditation we will explore your present possible outcomes and how you experience your emotions in a healthy way so that anything negative that is in your energy field holding you back can easily be cleared and then released.

    This is an important step and once again we will use all of the crystals on a body grid that will support you.

    I also use Reiki and other cleansing and clearing tools so we may enter into the exciting Future Life session.

  • Future Life Progression

    As we enter the Future Life session we will enjoy “Trying on “ several futures, play with them, weave and spin them together to create a potent magical and vibrant soul satisfying future.

    This will feel like a fun and creative experience, you will step into the true magic , be the “fool” in the tarot deck where life truly comes alive , no fear just limitless joy and limitless possibilities to explore .

    Once again this will all take place with a crystal body grid to empower your intentions and anchor in what you need to bring back into the now.

    This supercharged session will finish with a Crystal Jin Shin Jyutsu an exquisite ending to leave you going out into the world with a real soul glow.

Carpe Diem

Seize The Day

This day is truly bespoke for You. To begin the process of your transformation simply fill in the form below to arrange your consultation.